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 Multiply Futures Workshop 22/05/2014  Multiply Futures Symposium 23/05/2014

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Please note that reservation is binding and inform us timely if you are unable to attend, so we can give your seat to the next waiting person.


Thu, 22-05-2014

The End of an Era

In this futurological workshop the future of design can be tested.

Location: Lentos Kunstmuseum
Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz

Release Party
splace magazine

Location: Raumschiff
Hauptplatz 5, 4020 Linz

Fri, 23-05-2014

Designing the future
The future of design
Designing the society

Location: Audimax, Kunstuniversität
Kollegiumgasse 2, 4010 Linz

Tasks, needs and methods of design change with economic, technological and social change of a society. Therefore art movements—such as Bauhaus or the Situationist International—often go along with paradigm shifts and serve as a barometer for the state of a society. However, can we thereby define the future? MULTIPLY FUTURES fathoms the social role of design and discusses possible and impossible future scenarios.
said the Bavarian comedian and author Karl Valentin. The experience of the recent economic crisis makes the future appear rather dark. Changing work conditions are leading to precarious living situations.
At the same time, new working models and production preconditions are about to revolutionize the traditional design practice. This situation includes an ongoing digitalization of our media, the loss of the real and a transfer into the cloud. But will print design become completely unnecessary? What new interfaces are we going to see in the future? Which forms and tools will be needed and how will the creative practice change? We invited academic thinkers and practicians who spend time questioning the future of design and anticipate possible changes.


Björn Franke

Björn Franke (DE)

Björn Franke is Senior Lecturer in Design History and Theory at the University of Applied Arts Vienna as well as Lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts and Visiting Lecturer at the Royal College of Art in London. He has been awarded fellowships at the Akademie Schloss Solitude as well as the Artist Residency Schloss Balmoral and his work has been published and exhibited internationally, most recently at the Design Museum Holon in Israel and the Kunsthalle Mainz in Germany. His research interests lie in the relationship between design, technology and philosophy; in particular how the shifting technological landscape alters human behavior, relationships and self-conceptions.

Björn Franke (DE)

The Future, the Possible and the New
Our time is obsessed with the future, the new and with change and innovation. After all, is the future not what design is all about? Hardly anyone thinks that the future will look like the present or the past and it seems to be inherent to our conception of the future that things will be different than in the present. However, there is not only one future but many futures; therefore we should rather speak of possibilities, as thereby the future becomes a question of design rather than fate. Furthermore, possibilities are only retrospectively understood as have been possible—what could be possible may therefore today not seem to be a possibility.


Ann Kristina Simon, Bold Futures (DE)

Since her graduation from the RCA Ann-Kristina Simon works as a freelance communications and service designer, among other, for the service design agency Think Public, the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, the Royal College of Art and the graphic design magazine GRAFIK. Since 2011 she is a partner at Bold Futures, a studio for innovation communication in Berlin. Here she works for innovation-oriented companies and research institutions in the exploration and communication of future products and services. She is a consultant for the design initiative Graphicbirdwatching, whose aim it is to promote networking of female graphic designers worldwide. In this capacity, she has organized and moderated lectures, theme dinners and networking events in Berlin and London.

Ann Kristina Simon, Bold Futures (DE)

Design Fiction as a tool in innovative communication
Design Fictions are situated in the cross section of design, future research and sociology. Based on speculative products or services they can tell stories and allow for a critical examination of various individual and cultural self-definitions. (»What would it be like to actually buy and use these products? What would the existence of certain services say about our society?«) The talk will show how public and private organizations use design fictions to explore and sell future innovations.


Bianca Elzenbaumer and Fabio Franz, Brave New Alps (IT)

Since 2005, Brave New Alps are producing design projects that engage people in rethinking social, political and environmental issues. They combine design research methods with radical pedagogy, conflict mediation techniques and DIY making. Project outputs include pedagogical spaces, publications, websites, videos, guided walks, and other public events.

Bianca Elzenbaumer and Fabio Franz, Brave New Alps (IT)

More and more young designers want to deal in their work with social, economic and political issues. For many, it is in fact clear that they have a say in the direction of future development through their creative work. However, these designers often find themselves quickly in a conflict between the desire to tackle complex issues and critical need with their work on a competitive, entertainment hungry market to survive. In our paper we examine using practical examples, the advantages and disadvantages of work strategies that make through which designers place to address important issues.


Daniel van der Velden, Metahaven (NL)

Daniel van der Velden is a graphic designer and writer. He graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy, and studied at the Jan van Eyck Academie. Daniel ran a graphic design studio together with Maureen Mooren from 1998 to 2007, working on innovative projects in the field of editorial and identity design. He joined forces with Vinca Kruk after initiating the Sealand Identity Project at the Jan van Eyck Academie. They subsequently founded Metahaven, a studio combining design, research, and writing. Daniel is a Senior Critic at Yale University, and a Tutor at the Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam. He lectured at the University of Amsterdam Department of Media Studies.

Daniel van der Velden, Metahaven (NL)


Markus Hanzer (AT)

Markus Hanzer studied art and handicrafts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. From 1979 freelance graphic design and illustrator. 1980–1987 TV designer at ORF. 1987–1991 chief designer of SAT.1 on behalf of Beta Technology in Munich. 1991–1995 Head of ORF graphics. 1995–2006 creative director at the agency DMC – design for media and communication in Vienna. 2006–2010 partner of the Agency for Brands, Design and Technology – mira4. Since 2011 freelance communication designer. Since 2014 board member of designaustria. Teaching at the University of Applied Sciences/MultMediaArt in Salzburg, University of Applied Arts Vienna and University of Art and Design Linz.

Markus Hanzer (AT)

Year in Review 2015
We live in an era of technological, social, economic and environmental change. The attempt of a review of the upcoming year 2015 may illustrate both the opportunities and the dangers that we are confronted with. The developments cannot be stopped. However, there is also no reason to take a purely passive attitude. In a world dominated by humans, everything can change over night if we want to. The question is, which role design work can play in these processes of change.


Georg Russegger (AT)

Georg Russegger is curator and project maker. After receiving his PhD in media anthropology, he completed a postdoctorial program at the Tokyo National University of the Arts. As a festival maker he was involved in the CODED CULTURES festival, the Japan Media Arts Festival and the Festival NEUNOW. As a project developer he worked in the framework of the European Master program Ludic Interfaces at the Department of Media / Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design Linz. He is currently project manager of Artistic Entrepreneurship Network at ELIA Amsterdam and curator of the Vienna Open festival.

Georg Russegger (AT)

Future of Work?
Whether work as we know it today has a future is questionable. Are we going to drown in work, hide behind it and burnout doing so? The responsibility lies not only on a systematic level, but also in an individual and group dynamic philosophy. Sennet’s thesis that work is becoming more flexible and working environments as well as people are being mobilized seems very plausible. One example are sole proprietors that make use of individual work practices. The lecture is devoted to these new work models, co-working environments, shared spaces, open and shared work equipment and is about survival strategies and economic systems and their impact on our understanding of work and its organization.

Workshop: The End of an Era

We are sorry, the workshop is already fully booked! Nevertheless, please register for the workshop: we will put your name on a waiting list and contact you as soon as a registered participant cancels his participation.

With Ann Kristina Simon and Bernd Hopfengärtner

Congratulations, you have won. What? That’s what it is all about. You are the winner of a future design award: what kind of work was awarded and what was the category? What is your career, did you study design or statistics or anthropology? Who do you work for? Who will give you the price? You can be sure to receive a certificate, everything else remains to be seen.

Ann-Kristina Simon from Bold Futures and Bernd Hopfengärtner werden im Rahmen des eintägigen Workshops mit Ihnen die kommende Aufstellung des Designs in den Blick nehmen und Fragen nach den Aufgabengebieten, den Akteuren, den Grenzen der Disziplin untersuchen. In diesem futurologischen Workshop probieren Sie aus, wie die Zukunft des Design aussehen könnte. Wer weiß, vielleicht sind Sie bereits jetzt in diesem neuen Metier tätig?

Location: Lentos Kunstmuseum
Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz

Register for Workshop!


Day 1: 22-05-2014

Workshop »The End of an Era«

With Ann Kristina Simon from Bold Futures (DE) and Bernd Hopfengärtner (DE)

Release Party »splace magazine«

The University of Art and Design Linz presents splace – a digital magazine that provides information on current positions and topics in the field of art, culture and media landscape. splace offers two magazins in one: depending on the way you hold the tablet (vertically or horizontally), different versions of the articles are offered.

splace – the digital magazine of the University of Art and Design Linz, informs about current positions and topics in the fields of art, culture and media landscapes. Reading only isn’t enough – you have to explore splace!

Day 2: 23-05-2014


Symposium reception and registration

Welcome and introduction

Rektor Reinhard Kannonier and Tina Frank

Designing the future

Björn Franke »The Future, the Possible and the New« (Vienna, AT)
Ann Kristina from Bold Futures »Designing Fictions« (Berlin, DE)

The future of design

Bianca Elzenbaumer and Fabio Franz »Brave New Alps« (IT)
Daniel van der Velden »Metahaven« (NL)

Designing the society

Georg Russegger »Future of Work?« (Vienna, AT)
Markus Hanzer »Year in Review 2015« (Vienna, AT)

RegisterDownload PDF


International Design Symposium – since 2010

For the third time now the department of visual communication at the University of Art and Design in Linz organizes the symposium as a platform to discuss the changes and transdisciplinary developments in the field of visual communication and media arts.

With more than 150 visitors, MULTIPLY hosts national and international speakers from various art and design disciplines.

It’s free, and that adds value

As a public institution, we want to provide access to the talks without exclusion. That’s why attendance is free for you! Still, we ask you to register for the workshop and/or the talks, as we only have a limited number of places.

How do I get there?


MULTIPLY FUTURES takes place in the city center of Linz. If you come by train you can take any of the tram lines from the train station going to the city center. Exit at station »Hauptplatz«. Find your way with Open Street Map.

People making Multiply happen

Multiply Team

Curated by Tina Frank
Team: Brigitte Höfler, Marianne Pührerfellner, Nataša Siencnik
Website: Elvira Stein (design),
Sarah Hiebler (realisation)

Working together with Lentos Kunstmuseum and Raumschiff Linz the symposium serves all interested parties—experts as well as students—to fathom and explore current issues concerning the area of design and visual culture.


2014-04-29 15.26.44

Tag your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts referring to Multiply Futures with our hashtag #mupl2014!

In a little over an hour from Vienna, you will meet international designers, artists and business experts to discuss about the future of design.

Contact us

University of Art and Design, Linz
Institute of Media
Visual Communication

Tina Frank
Hauptplatz 8, 4010 Linz, Austria
+43 732 7898 375